Fremont Mischief Distillery

Bye, Bye, Miss American Rye by Don McLean

In 1971, Don McLean penned and recorded “American Pie”, the iconic ballad of the 1950s and 1960s. Recently, the song was named “Top 5 song of the 20th century” by the recording industry ASSN. (RIAA). Don McLean has long been called the “American Troubadour” and with good reason. His fans have streamed By, By Miss American Pie over 1.6 billion times and growing. Resoundingly, his music hasn’t died.

My salute to “American Pie” captures the spirit of America. A deeply satisfying sip, the perfect complement to the music and to the song that even now, after 50 years, still resonates in the American soul. - Don McLean